Monday, February 25, 2008

Theology class

today in Theo class we were talking about sin and evil, so we had to get to the topic of the problem of evil... the problem is this...

1)A perfectly good God would want to stop evil.
2) A perfectly powerful God could stop evil.
3) Evil exists.
Therefore God is either good, but not powerful, powerful, but not good, or neither powerful nor good.
(All this is thought up by Leibniz, this is not the final answer because anyone reading this can see there are other options as well)

But then the teacher asked about "why cant we associate evil with God, we always think that evil is on one side and God is the opposite, how could we ever say God near evil, or that it is God's problem...

The this verse came up Isaiah 45:7 "The One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these things."

This is a verse we don't here very often at all, calamity means disaster, ie God creates disaster...this is crazy for some to think of!!! (it took me pretty off balance at first)

but then we ask if God creates it and it is His problem why doesn't He fix it then...and the thing is and its a big THING....He has....God sent His Son to fix the problem of evil.

God may have created them, but he also healed them...and now its us who brings them upon ourselves...we do the evil on our own...not God...

I don't know its a pretty bold verse and something really to think about, I may have not got 100% the right words across here, but in my mind its a lot more clear....

just something to look at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, I may not professionally study this kind of stuff, but wouldn't it be more of a matter of God creating the choice of evil, and limiting his intervention in the consequences of the choice?

and part of this totally reminded me of Thr3e by Ted Dekker